Acoustic & Sound Absorption Results
Whisper Foam has a noise reduction of NRC 1, the most efficient result for absorbing noise. This is an average rating across a wide range of frequencies, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz. How much sound a material can absorb is given as a number between 0 and 1, 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% absorption in a specific testing environment.
Sound Absorption Graph
The graph shows that different thicknesses and materials result in different efficiencies of sound absorption. Sound absorption at high frequencies is easily achieved, a foam panel that offers sound absorption at mid or low frequencies is a true solution to annoying noise.
Annoying noise complaints most often occur in the 100 to 500 Hz range, the graph shows whisper higher than alternative solutions in this range. We know the human voice is about 250Hz on average, so the frequency of a TV may be 125Hz, a restaurant 200Hz and a Playground 315Hz. Each of these frequencies have best results with a different thickness of Whisper Foam.
Chart.js Example - Sound Absorption Coefficient

Frequency (Hz) and decibel (dB) meters are readily available in the app store to measure the levels in the noisy space.
Transmission Loss Graph
R 1/3 Octave dB (Transmission Loss): Reduction of Decibels (dB) at specific frequencies. You can see the results of Whisper foam at different frequencies mounted to different surfaces in the graph.
“It takes around a 10dB difference for most people to physically hear half or double the sound.”

Hanging Ceiling Rafts or Vertical Hanging Baffles can improve sound Absorption further
Using the guidelines for Hanging Ceiling Rafts or Vertical Hanging Baffles customers can understand the best thickness, void and pitch distances to absorb sound of the required frequency.
As an example; noisy conversations have been identified as the sound needing to be reduced. Looking at data for ceiling rafts in the
Whisper foam brochure, the best sound absorption for the 300 Hz frequency is Whisper at 50mm thick. After exploring the options of horizontal ceiling rafts or vertical hanging baffles and different void spacings, in this scenario the horizontal ceiling rafts with a 50mm void had the best results.
See the
Whisper foam brochure for differing frequencies, results and void gaps.

Surface Mounting
This is great for situations where the surface reverberates sound and it can be covered in the sound absorbing and/or there is limited ceiling height or in outdoor spaces where hanging baffles are not possible.
Vertical Ceiling Baffles
These are typically more effective in spaces with high ceilings, like gyms, swimming pools, retail warehouses, shopping centres or auditoriums. They disrupt sound waves travelling horizontally, which reduces echoes and reverberation. Vertical baffles can also create visual interest, making them both functional and aesthetic.
Horizontal Ceiling Baffles
These are great for controlling sound in spaces with lower ceilings, like offices, restaurants or classrooms. They absorb sound from above and below, which can be especially useful in environments with lots of speech and conversation. Horizontal baffles can also help reduce noise from HVAC systems or overhead equipment.
What is Electrolysis and galvanic corrosion?
Galvanic Corrosion is the corrosion that occurs when two dissimilar metals are used together in a structure and exposed to an electrolyte (salt water, chemical, petrol) and the less noble of the 2 metals will corrode. For example; aluminum sheet with steel fasteners on a boat. Some pairings of metals are more at risk of galvanic corrosion. Check a galvanic series or chart.
Electrolysis is the acceleration of the galvanic corrosion when electricity is introduced to the metals in question. Connected by an external electrical source, the less noble metal experiences accelerated galvanic corrosion.
while both processes involve metals and electrolytes, their dependence on an external voltage source distinguishes them.

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